BEMA Episode Link: 103: Healing in His Wings
Episode Length: 38:42
Published Date: Thu, 07 Feb 2019 01:00:00 -0800
Session 3
About this episode:

Marty Solomon and Brent Billings finish the ninth chapter of Matthew, seeing a handful of stories where Jesus brings shalom to the chaos of others.

Healing in His Wings Presentation (PDF)

Discussion Video for BEMA 103

Transcript for BEMA 103


*Note: The following notes are handwritten by me, Adam, and I reserve the right to be wrong.

  • Jesus Raises a Dead Girl and Heals a Sick Woman
    • The Sick Woman
      • A woman, likely unclean, touches Jesus’ cloak in a crowd. Why?
      • Jews were instructed to wear cloaks that had tassels on its corners. Numbers 15:37–41.
      • These tassels were there to remind God’s people to remember all of his commands so they would obey them and be consecrated to him.
      • Vocab:
        • Tzitzit: Tassel
        • Kanaf: Corner
        • Tallit: Garment or Cloak
      • David cuts off the corners of Saul’s garment. The message was that Saul was not being obedient. David ends up feeling guilty because the tassels also represent God’s protection and in David’s eyes, who is he to decide whether or not Saul is under God’s protection?
      • The woman’s bleeding, depending on its kind, would have made her unclean according to Levitical law. She would not have been allowed to assemble with others in the temple or in a public crowd. She’s a mumzer. She’s certainly not supposed to touch the garments of a Rabbi.
      • Regardless, she pushes through the crowds and grabs the tassels of Jesus. This takes chutzpah given the situation. Why does she touch his tassels though?
      • She is looking to be consecrated to God. Numbers 15. There’s more though. It’s in the Text. Malachi 4:1-3 ESV.
      • “But for some who fear my name, the sun of righteousness shall rise with healing in its wings.” Malachi 4:2. The word for wings here in kanaf which is also the word for corners in the phrase, “tassels on the corners of your garments.”
      • A small group of Jews believed that when the Messiah comes, according to Malachi, one of the ways that people would know that he was Messiah is that there would be healing in his kanafot. The woman walks right up to Jesus who she believed to be the Messiah and grabs his tallit, his prayer shawl, his tzitzit.
      • Mark tells us that Jesus felt the healing leave his body and asks who touched him. Regardless of what that’s like for him to feel the healing leave him, Jesus knows that someone knows their Text.
      • It would be more difficult for her to consume the Text than others because of her bleeding. She wouldn’t have had the opportunity to go to synagogue. She would have had to devote herself to learning the Text with intention.
      • This story is rich with context that we often misunderstand.
    • Raising the Dead Girl
      • Synagogue leader’s daughter has died, there are hired mourners, and Jesus tells the mourners to go away because the girl is not dead but asleep.
  • Jesus Heals the Blind and the Mute
  • The Workers Are Few
    • Ezekiel 34: A condemnation of the leaders, the priests.
    • Jeremiah 24 or 25? The shepherds are failing God’s flock
    • There are so many references in the Text to sheep without a shepherd.
    • The misguided focus on obedience without compassion is creating sheep without a shepherd.
  • Questions
    • Head
      • Research Tassels on the Corners of your Garments.
      • See what we can find on the debate about whether or not Jews in Jesus’ day would have worn tallit and what that tallit might look like.
      • Discuss the Messianic Secret. Geography and Audience? What else?
        • Son of David encountering a blind man.
    • Heart
      • How do you relate to the characters in the stories?
      • Which character do you relate to the most and why?
    • Hands
      • What are we supposed to learn and take away from these stories?
      • Which story resonates with you the most and
      • Which story challenges you to go and be something unique that you weren’t before? Which one challenges you to do some of those things that you haven’t already been doing.

Miracles of Jesus

Miracle Matthew Mark Luke John
Healing Miracles
Man with leprosy 8:2-4 Secret 1:40-44 Secret 5:12-13 Secret
Roman centurion’s servant 8:5-13 Silent 7:1-10 Silent
Peter’s mother-in-law 8:14-15 Silent 1:30-31 Silent 4:38-39 Silent
Two men from Gadara 8:28-34 Silent 5:1-15 Share 8:27-35 Share
Paralyzed man 9:2-7 Silent 2:3-12 Silent 5:18-25 Silent
Woman with bleeding 9:20-22 Silent 5:25-29 Silent 8:43-48 Silent
Two blind men 9:27-31 Secret
Mute. demon-possessed man 9:32-33 Silent
Man with a shriveled man 12:10-13 Silent 3:1-5 Silent 6:6-10 Silent
Blind, mute, demon-possessed man 12:22 Silent 11:14 Silent
Canaanite woman’s daughter 15:21-28 Silent 7:24-30 Silent
Demon-possessed boy 17:14-18 Silent 9:17-29 Silent 9:38-43 Silent
Two blind men (including Bartimaeus) 20:29-34 Silent 10:46-52 Silent 18:35-43 Silent
Deaf mute 7:31-37 Secret
Demon-possessed man in synagogue 1:23-26 Silent 4:33-35 Silent
Blind man at Bethsaida 8:22-26 Secret
Crippled woman 13:11-13 Silent
Man with abnormal swelling 14:1-4 Silent
Ten men with leprosy 17:11-19 Silent
The high priest’s servant 22:50-51 Silent
Official’s son at Capernaum 4:46-54 Silent
Sick man at pool of Bethsaida 5:1-9 Silent
Man born blind 9:1-7 Silent
Miracles showing power over nature
Calming the storm 8:23-27 Silent 4:37-41 Silent 8:22-25 Silent
Walking on water 14:25 Silent 6:48-51 Silent 6:19-21 Silent
Feeding the 5,000 14:15-21 Silent 6:35-44 Silent 9:12-17 Silent 6:6-13 Silent
Feeding the 4,000 15:32-38 Silent 8:1-9 Silent
Coin in fish’s mouth 17:24-27 Silent
Fig tree withered 21:18-22 Silent 11:12-14, 20-25 Silent
Large catch of fish 5:4-11 Silent
Water turned into wine 2:1-11 Silent
Another large catch of fish 21:1-11 Silent
Miracles raising the dead
Jairus’s daughter 9:18-19, 23-25 Silent 5:22-24, 38-42 Secret 8:41-42, 49-56 Secret
Widow’s son at Nain 7:11-15 Silent
Lazarus 11:1-44 Silent

Matthew 8:4

Then Jesus said to him, “See that you don’t tell anyone. But go, show yourself to the priest and offer the gift Moses commanded, as a testimony to them.”

Matthew 17:9

As they were coming down the mountain, Jesus instructed them, “Don’t tell anyone what you have seen, until the Son of Man has been raised from the dead.”

Mark 1:44

“See that you don’t tell this to anyone. But go, show yourself to the priest and offer the sacrifices that Moses commanded for your cleansing, as a testimony to them.”

Luke 5:14

Then Jesus ordered him, “Don’t tell anyone, but go, show yourself to the priest and offer the sacrifices that Moses commanded for your cleansing, as a testimony to them.”

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