BEMA Episode Link: 23: Falling on Joyful Faces
Episode Length: 23:08
Published Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2017 01:00:00 -0700
Session 1
About this episode:

Marty Solomon and Brent Billings look at the construction of the Tabernacle and its call to be a place of rest, covering Exodus 24–40.

Falling on Joyful Faces Presentation (PDF)

Discussion Video for BEMA 23

With All Your Heart — Ray Vander Laan (Amazon)

TTWMK Faith Lessons on DVD and Digital (Focus on the Family)

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Transcript for BEMA 23


*Note: The following notes are handwritten by me, Adam, and I reserve the right to be wrong.

  • Exodus 24-40
  • Review
    • Preface and Intro in Gen
      • Learn fundamentals about G-d and what it would look like for people to trust Him.
      • We learned about those that partners with G-d and their journeys.
    • G-d rescues this family from Egypt.
    • G-d then marries this people and enters into a relationship with him.
    • The entire rest of the book of Exodus ends up being about the Tabernacle.
  • Exodus
    • Verses
      1. Exodus 25:1 “The LORD said to Moses,”
      2. Exodus 30:11 “Then the LORD said to Moses,”
      3. Exodus 30:17 “Then the LORD said to Moses,”
      4. Exodus 30:22 “Then the LORD said to Moses,”
      5. Exodus 30:34 “Then the LORD said to Moses, “Take fragrant spices—gum resin, onycha and galbanum—and pure frankincense, all in equal amounts,”
      6. Exodus 31:1 “Then the LORD said to Moses,”
      7. Exodus 31:12 “Then the LORD said to Moses,”
    • These verses call us back to the Genesis story:
      • Looking at verses 12 and 13, in the seventh “Then the LORD said,” G-d calls his people to follow the Sabbath, a call back to the creation story in Genesis 1.
      • In Genesis 2, at the end of the Genesis 1 story, G-d finishes his work and rests. Compare that to Exodus 40:33 “and so Moses finished the work.” or Exodus 39 “the Israelites had done all of the work just as G-d had commanded Moses. Moses inspected the work and saw that they had done it just as the LORD commanded so Moses blessed them.”
        • There are lots of parallels between these.
      • In the center of the Tabernacle was the Holy of Holies in which sat the Ark of the Covenant. Inside the Ark was the Tablets or the Law. The Torah was called the Tree of Life that sat behind the curtain on which was a depiction of Cherubim which protected the center of the Garden after the fall in Genesis.
      • The Tabernacle was also known as the Tent of Meeting.
        • The word for “meeting” was “moad” in Hebrew.
        • This is also the word for “seasons” that we learned in Genesis 1.
  • Inverted Repetition in the skeletal structure of the Tabernacle portion of Exodus
    • The chiasm:
      • 1: Glory of the LORD (24:15–18)
        • 2: Tabernacle and priestly garments (25–30)
          • 3: Bezalel and Oholiab (31:1–11)
            • 4: Sabbath (31:12–18)
              • Center:

                “The LORD replied, ‘My Presence will go with you and I will give you rest.’” Exodus 33:14

            • 5: Sabbath (35:1–3)
          • 6: Bezalel and Oholiab (35:30–35)
        • 7: Tabernacle and priestly garments (36–39)
      • 8: Glory of the LORD (40:34–38)
    • The center AGAIN reminds us about Genesis 1, a mobile reminder that in the center of your camp, where ever you go, where ever the Tabernacle is setup, it’s a constant reminder to call you back to the love of G-d, to the forgiveness of G-d, the acceptance of G-d, and the rest that trusting the story provides you.
    • Huge grand opening in the beginning of Leviticus, fire comes from the Holy of Holies and consumes the offering. Everyone shouted for joy and fell on their faces.
    • In 2nd Chronicles 20, Solomon’s temple is built and fire again came down and consumes the sacrifices, and people again fall face down worshiping the LORD again.
    • From RVL: “In Acts, on the day of Pentecost, G-d opened up a new temple, and fire came out of the old temple and it split apart into tongues of fire and it came to rest on the NEW temple and G-d opened up a new temple, and it’s you and me, if that is how people reacted whenever they found the temple of G-d, if they fell on their face and shouted with joy and said “the LORD endures forever, then what in the world should people do when they meet you? The new temple of G-d.”

Bible Project - Temple

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