BEMA Episode Link: 90: A Gospel of Two Kingdoms
Episode Length: 23:42
Published Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2018 01:00:00 -0700
Session 3
About this episode:

Marty Solomon and Brent Billings finish looking at the story of the birth of Jesus, juxtaposing two kings and the kingdoms that they bring.

A Gospel of Two Kingdoms Presentation (PDF)

Discussion Video for BEMA 90

Herod the Great — Wikipedia

Masada — Wikipedia

Herodium — Wikipedia

Caesar’s Comet — Wikipedia

Transcript for BEMA 90


*Note: The following notes are handwritten by me, Adam, and I reserve the right to be wrong.

  • The importance of Herod
  • Matthew and Herod; Luke and Caesar.
  • Matthew will focus on Herod as king of the Jews because Matthew wrote to the Jews.
  • If estimates are correct, Herod the Great was the most wealthy person to ever live.
  • Read Matthew 2:13-19.
    • What does the context of a reference to scripture, like weeping Rachel, have on the meaning of the text we read?
    • Text to Context
    • Initially thoughts
      • Parallels between Joseph and Joseph going to Egypt after dreams and because of a story revolving around murder.
      • Parallels between Jesus and Moses living in Egypt and being hunted by Kings.
      • Joseph Jesus and Mary leave Egypt once the king has died.
      • Herod targeting children 2 years old and younger could parallel Moses being weaned by his mother until he was ~3.
  • Unsure how Herod did many things.
  • How does God choose to engage the greatest Herodian to ever exist?
    • In the exact opposite way we, and the Jews, would expect. In poverty.
    • One king is the king of empire and the other was the the king of shalom.
  • Luke juxtaposes Jesus with Caesar instead of Herod.
  • Caesar’s comet.
  • Questions
    • What is your reaction to hearing someone argue that our Christmas traditions don’t fit the actual Christmas story?
    • What are some small changes we can make over time to better align our own traditions with the story of Christ’s Christmas that could impact our families and especially our children positively in the future?

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