
My name is Adam and I’m listening to the BEMA Podcast by Marty Solomon and co-hosted by Brent Billings.

As I listen through the podcast, I’m taking notes. These are my notes of the content presented on the podcast and are not intended to imply the beliefs of Marty or Brent.

I reserve the right to be incorrect.

My Notes

I have binged this podcast and did not take the time to take notes along the way. As I go back through the podcast, I’ll take notes and publish them here.

Session 1

-1: What Is BEMA? - Establishing Goals

0: Introductory Lesson - Eastern and Western Perspectives

1: Trust the Story - The Creation Story of Genesis 1

2: Knowing When to Say Enough - Adam and Eve and the Garden of Eden

3: Master the Beast - Cain and Abel

4: His Bow in the Clouds - Noah and the Flood

5: A Misplaced Curse - Noah after the Flood

6: A Tale of a Tower - The Tower of Babel

7: The Preface - Summary of Genesis 1–11

8: Buried in Genealogy - Why Abraham?

9: Letting Go - Abram in Canaan and Egypt

10: Walking the Blood Path - Abram and the Blood Path Covenant

11: Here I Am - A Partner in Abraham

12: A Mission Realized - The Life of Isaac

13: Grappling with God, Part 1 - The Life of Jacob, Part 1

14: Grappling with God, Part 2 - The Life of Jacob, Part 2

15: Into The Pit - The Life of Joseph, Part 1

16: Out of the Pit - The Life of Joseph, Part 2

17: A God Who Hears the Cry - Introduction and Narrative

18: A Tale of Two Kingdoms - Empire vs. Shalom

19: A Strengthened Heart - The Passover and the Plagues

20: With All Your Heart - Crossing the Sea and Test of the Heart

21: With All Your Soul & “Very” - Test of the Soul and Test of the “Very”

21b: Jesus Shema - A Daily Prayer

22: Under the Chuppah - The Ten Commandments

23: Falling on Joyful Faces - The Tabernacle

24: Creating A Space - Spiritual Disciplines

25: A Kingdom of What? - Leviticus

26: Images of the Desert — Shepherd - Shepherds

27: Images of the Desert — Rotem and Acacia - Rotem and Acacia Trees

28: Images of the Desert — Ar’ar and Tamarisk - Ar’ar and Tamarisk Trees

29: Images of the Desert — Wadi and En Gedi - Wadi and En Gedi

30: Lead with Your Voice - Moses and the Promised Land

31: Remember Where You Came From - The Call of Deuteronomy

32: Session 1 Capstone - Conclusion of Session 1

Session 2

33: Session 2 Intro - Introduction to Session 2

34: The Hardest Story in the Bible (for me) - Joshua, Part 1

35: Crossroads of the Earth - Joshua, Part 2

36: The Redemption Cycle - Judges

37: A Love Story - Ruth

38: A Donkey Herder to Lead Us - Saul and David

39: A King After God’s Own Heart - David and Goliath

40: One Story, Two Sources - Samuel & Kings and Chronicles

41: The Story Behind the Story - David and Solomon in Chronicles

42: The Fire of Elijah - Elijah

43: Go in Peace - Naaman

44: Our Harps in the Trees - The Psalms

45: Wisdom and Meaning - Proverbs and Ecclesiastes

46: Song of Sexuality - Song of Songs

47: The Lord’s Mouthpiece - The Prophets

48: Amos — Plumb Line - Amos

49: Hosea — Prostitute - Hosea

49b: Verastikh (Hosea) - A Daily Prayer

50: Micah — Judge - Micah

51: 1 Isaiah — Vineyard - 1 Isaiah

52: Jonah — Potential - Jonah

53: Nahum — Diyn - Nahum

54: Zephaniah — T’shuvah - Zephaniah

55: 2 Isaiah — Woe - 2 Isaiah

56: Jeremiah — Weeping - Jeremiah

57: Lamentations — Lament and Hope - Lamentations

58: Habakkuk — Watchtower - Habakkuk

59: Obadiah — Petra - Obadiah

60: Joel — Locusts - Joel

61: Ezekiel — Strength - Ezekiel

62: Daniel — Son of Man - Daniel

63: Job — Perspective - Job

64: 3 Isaiah — Servant - 3 Isaiah

65: 4 Isaiah — Hope - 4 Isaiah

66. Ezra/Nehemiah - Passionate Leadership - Ezra and Nehemiah

67: Haggai – Build! - Haggai

68: Zechariah — Apocalyptic Literature - Zechariah

69: Malachi — Q&A - Malachi

70: Esther — Purim - Esther

71: The Prophetic Table - Summary and Conclusion of the Prophets

72: Session 2 Capstone - Conclusion of Session 2

Session 3

73: Session 3 Intro - Introduction to Session 3

74: Silent Years — Synagogue - Synagogue and Education System

75: Silent Years — Welcome to Hellenism - Hellenistic Culture

76: Silent Years — Sadducees - Sadducees, Chief Priests

77: Silent Years — Herodians - Herodians

78: Silent Years — Essenes - The Essenes

79: Silent Years — Zealots - The Zealots

80: Silent Years — Pharisees - The Pharisees

81: Silent Years — Association - Christ’s Perfect Timing

82: The Text — When, Where, Who, and Why - Biblical Authorship

83: Gospel Narrative - What Gospel Means

84: Matthew — Mumzer - Overview of Matthew

85: Mark — Roman Gospel - Overview of Mark

86: Luke — Ordered - Overview of Luke

87: John — Grafted - Overview of John

88: Setting the Stage - Geography of the Galilee

89: Written in the Stars - The Birth of Jesus and the Visit of the Magi

90: A Gospel of Two Kingdoms - Herod the Great

91: Tavilah T’Shuvah - John the Baptist

92: How to Bring Order Out of Chaos - The Baptism and Temptation of Jesus

93: Blessed - The Beatitudes

94: Hope of the World - Salt and Light

95: Abolish or Fulfill - To Abolish or Fulfill the Law

96: But I Say Unto You - Murder, Adultery, Divorce, etc.

97: Done in Secret - Generosity, Prayer, Fasting

98: A Good Eye - Treasure, Worry, Judgment, Gifts

99: Fruit of Fools - Gates, Trees, Fools, and Houses

100: Healing at Great Cost - Jesus Heals the People

101: The Other Side - The Demon-Possessed Man

102: Son of Man - The Paralyzed Man, Matthew, and Fasting

103: Healing in His Wings - Healing and Harvest

104: Innocent as Doves - Sending the Disciples

105: An Explosive Kingdom - John the Baptist and Eschatology

106: Jury Duty in Sodom - Tyre, Sidon, and Sodom

107: Donkeys and Rabbis - Sabbath and the Law

108: The Fruit of Beelzebul - Demons and a Sign

109: Which Soil? - The Parable of the Soils

110: Jewish Hermeneutics - PaRDeS

111: A Farmer and a Woman - The Parables of a Mustard Seed and Yeast

112: Explanations That Don’t Explain - The Parable of the Weeds “Explained”

113: Treasures and Pearls - The Parables of Treasure and a Pearl

114: Fish in a Net - The Parable of Fish Caught in a Net

115: 5 Loaves, 2 Fish, and 1 Big Lesson - Feeding the 5000

116: She Giggled - Peter Walks on Water

117: Jesus Resorts to Name Calling - The Canaanite Woman

118: Eyes That Cannot See - Feeding the 4000

119: The Gates of Hell - The Confession at Caesarea Philippi

120: Truth and Light - Transfiguration and Taxes

121: The Key to Your Own Prison - Stumbling and Forgiveness

122: A Naked Thing - Divorce, Children, and Wealth

123: The Heat of the Day - The Parable of the Vineyard

124: Statement of Triumph - Donkeys, Cleansing, and Authority

125: Are You Talking to Me? - Sons, Tenants, and a Wedding Banquet

126: Trapped by a Question - Tribute, Marriage, Commands, Son of David

127: Six or Seven? - The Seven Woes

128: Faithful and Wise Steward - The Fall or the End

129: The Final Week - Trial and Crucifixion

130: The Plot to Kill Jesus - Who Killed Jesus?

131: Betrayal - Who Betrayed Jesus?

132: Go - Resurrection and Commission

133: Session 3 Capstone - Conclusion of Session 3

Session 4

134: Session 4 Intro - Introduction to Session 4

135: Uncut Corners - Pentecost and the Spirit

136: Each One - Bringing the Kingdom

137: A Dry Tree - Martyrs and Eunuchs

138: Unclean Sheets - Saul and Cornelius

139: Theosabes - Saul Becomes Paul

140: Not to Burden You - A Covenant for the Gentiles

141: Mathetes or Talmidim? - Progression of Paul

142: Calling of a Prophet - When Saul Became Paul

143: The Epilogue - The Epilogue of the Narrative

144: Galatians — Paul’s Gospel - Received from Jesus

145: Galatians — Right Hand of Fellowship - Not Running in Vain

146: Galatians — The Curse - Why We Have the Law

147: Galatians — Two Women, Two Covenants - Belonging to a Covenant

148: Galatians — Set Free to Be Free - New Creation in Christ

149: Romans — Blended Family - All Fall Short

150: Romans — Righteousness from God - Where We Find Righteousness

151: Romans — Buried Alive - The Greatest Kal Va’omer

152: Romans — The Struggle - More Than Conquerors

153: Romans — The Potter - Predestination and Election

154: Romans — Therefore - Called to Love

155: Romans — God’s Mission, Paul’s Mission - Closing and Overview of Romans

156: 1 Corinthians — Broken Body - Reminded of Love Incarnate

157: 2 Corinthians — Apostleship - Paul’s Credentials Solidified

158: Ephesians — Family Membership - Living Out the Gospel

159: Philippians — Joy - Faith, Love, Generosity

160: Colossians — Gnostic Heresy - Wrestling with Shadows

161: 1 Thessalonians — Parousia - The Second Coming

162: 2 Thessalonians — Man of Lawlessness - The Mysterious Character

163: Pastoral Epistles — Timid Timothy & Tough Titus - The Right Man for the Job

164: Philemon — Faith Works - Living for the Right Reasons

165: Hebrews — Running a Better Race - A Better Way to Live

166: Hebrews — Atonement 101 - He Sat Down

167: James — Mitzvoth - Faith in Action

168: 1 Peter — Living Stones and a Spiritual House - A View of Hope

169: 2 Peter — The Other Side of a Conversation - Encouraging Early Believers

170: 1 John — Love and Truth - Loving Each Other

171: 2 John — The “Woman” - Seeing Through the Lens of Love

172: 3 John — Diotrephes - A Lack of Hospitality

173: Jude — False Teachers - Idolatry, Sexual Immorality, and Wealth and Influence

174: Revelation — A Book for Its Time - A Retelling of Apocalyptic Literature

175: Revelation — Ephesus and Their First Love - Changing Conditions in Ephesus

176: Revelation — Smyrna and Their Crown - Unlocked by Cultural Context

177: Revelation — Pergamum and Satan’s Throne - Rooted in Paganism

178: Revelation — Thyatira and Her Jezebel - Using Text and Context

179: Revelation — Waking Up in Sardis - Engaging Sh’phelah

180: Revelation — Philadelphia and Their New Name - The Doorway to Asia Minor

181: Revelation — Lukewarm Laodicea - We Did It Ourselves

182: Revelation — The Throne Room - Deliverance from Persecution

183: Revelation — Seals from Scripture - The Return of the Horses

184: Revelation — Let the Games Begin - The Olympic Format

185: Revelation — Bittersweet Prophecy - Familiar Witnesses

186: Revelation — Mother and Dragons - A Beast Rising

187: Revelation — The Blessed and Faithful Fallen - Plagues and Bowls of Wrath

188: Revelation — The Fall of Greatness - The Spirit of Prophecy Returns

189: Revelation — The End Is a New Beginning - New Heaven and New Earth

190: Session 4 Capstone - Conclusion of Session 4

Session 5

191: Session 5 Intro - Introduction to Session 5

192: Telling a Story - The Narrative of Church History

193: AD 100–300 - A Schism Between Jews and Gentiles

194: AD 300–500 - Christianity in Council

195: AD 500–700 - Rise of the Monastic Movement

196: AD 700–1000 - The East-West Schism

197: AD 1000–1300 - A Dark History

198: AD 1300–1550 - Indulgences and the Spark of the Reformation

199: AD 1550–1650 - Church and State

200: AD 1650–1800 - Exponential Division and Diversity

201: AD 1800–1925 - Theological and Scientific Movements

202: AD 1925 to Today - A Fundamental Shift

203: You Are Here - The Four Pillars of BEMA

204: Session 5 Capstone - Conclusion of Session 5

Session 6

205: Session 6 Intro - Starting a New Journey

206: Reed Dent — The Nature of Truth - All Facts Are Truthful, but Not All Truth Is Factual

207: J. R. Briggs — The Sacred Overlap - Embracing the Tension of the Bible

208: Midrash — Iscah, Sarai, and Birth Orders - Why Midrash Is Told and How to Relate to It

209: Midrash — Noah’s Backstory and the Nephilim - Are the Nephilim Part of Noah’s Story?

210: Midrash — The Man in the Fur Coat - Insulator, Assimilator, or Engager

211: John Whittaker — Blue Jeans Theology - Learning to Hear What the Bible Says

212: Character Study — Jacob, Part 1 - Family Dysfunction

213: Character Study — Jacob, Part 2 - Family Dysfunction

214: Character Study — Joseph, Part 1 - Who Bought Joseph?

215: Character Study — Joseph, Part 2 - Family Redemption

216: Porshe Chiles — Can We Talk? - Being Seen in the Narrative of God

217: Midrash — Isaac’s Bad Eyes - Trauma on the Mountain

218: Midrash — Death at Dinner - Eliezer and Radical Hospitality

219: Becky Solomon — Loving the Adventure - Finding a New Way to Live

220: The Chosen S1E1 — “I Have Called You by Name” - Mary Magdalene Redeemed

221: The Chosen S1E2 — “Shabbat” - A Practice Spanning the Centuries

222: The Chosen S1E3 — “Jesus Loves the Little Children” - The Humanity of Jesus Explored

223: The Chosen S1E4 — “The Rock on Which It Is Built” - Simon Encounters Jesus

224: The Chosen S1E5 — “The Wedding Gift” - Jesus Performs His First Public Miracle

225: The Chosen S1E6 — “Indescribable Compassion” - Jesus Heals Leprous and Paralyzed Men

226: The Chosen S1E7 — “Invitations” - Jesus Meets with Nicodemus and Calls Matthew

227: The Chosen S1E8 — “I Am He” - Jesus and the Woman at the Well

228: Dallas Jenkins — Manna Program, Part 1 - The Chosen, Season 1

229: Dallas Jenkins — Manna Program, Part 2 - The Chosen, Season 1

230: Mandy Smith — Unfettered - Childlike Faith and Western Culture

231: Introducing the Team — Deconstruction w/ Reed Dent - Removing the Scaffolding

232: Introducing the Team — Jephthah’s Daughter w/ Elle Grover Fricks - Words for Laws, Decrees, Commands, etc., and Jephthah’s Daughter

233: Introducing the Team – Striking the Rock w/ Josh Bossé - An Issue of Rebellion

234: Jen Rosner — The Jewish Roots of Christianity - Healing the Jewish-Christian Schism

235: Jewish Roots — Tanakh and Religion - Using Tanakh in the New Testament and Jesus’s Plans for Religion

236: Jewish Roots — Paul, Jewish Law, and Atonement in Hebrews - Whether Paul Followed Jewish Law and Comparing the Atonement Process in Hebrews to the Mosaic Processes Seen in Torah

237: Jewish Roots — Ways Parted for a Dark History - When and How Judaism and Christianity Diverged, and How Jewish-Christian Relations Have Worked Throughout the Centuries

238: Jewish Roots — What Difference Does It Make? - The Jewish Character of the Church and the Difference It Makes for Christians

239: Abraham Considers a Catechism w/ Reed Dent - Faith and the Fears of Deconstruction

240: Sin and the Archaeology of Joshua w/ Elle Grover Fricks - Exploring the Archaeological Age of Joshua

241: Becky Solomon — Don’t Exasperate Your Kids - State of the Podcast and Parenting

242: Spiritual Abuse — Commodities and Variables - An Overview of Spiritual Abuse

243: Spiritual Abuse — The Place We Find Ourselves - Definitions and Symptoms of Spiritual Abuse

244: Spiritual Abuse — The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill - The Good, the Bad, and the Complexities

245: Spiritual Abuse — Liturgy for Repentance and Healing - Prayers and Reflections for Humanity

246: Eugenia Ortega — A Look into Our Window - Curiosity and Empathy

247: Sleepless in Susa w/ Josh Bossé - Esther’s Plan for the King’s Throne Room

248: Joy and Lot’s Untitled Wife w/ Elle Grover Fricks - Considering What the Text Actually Says

249: Michael Burns — Escaping the Beast - Politics, Allegiance, and Kingdom

250: The Chosen S1E0 — “The Shepherd” - Where It All Started

251: John Roberts — A Griever’s Guide to Life - Believing in a God Who Provides the Right People at the Right Time

252: John — What’s in a Logos? - An Introduction to Jesus

253: John — Come and See - John the Baptist Transfers Disciples

254: John — A Wedding and Some Housekeeping - The First Sign and Cleaning the Temple

255: John — Water, Spirit, Darkness, Light - The Fundamentals of the Kingdom

256: John — The One from Above - John the Baptist Ratifies the Identity and Ministry of Christ

257: John — Wells and Husbands - Samaritans and the Woman at the Well

258: The Chosen S2E1 — “Thunder” (Bonus Episode) - Building Relationships in Samaria

259: Kevan Chandler — We Carry Kevan - Experiencing a Miracle

260: The Chosen S2E2 — “I Saw You” (Bonus Episode) - Philip and Nathanael Join the Disciples

261: John — What Do You Want? - Jesus Heals on the Sabbath

262: The Chosen S2E3 — “Matthew 4:24” (Bonus Episode) - Jesus Heals and the Disciples Wrestle

263: John — Weighty Testimony - The Authority of and Testimonies about Jesus

264: The Chosen S2E4 — “The Perfect Opportunity” (Bonus Episode) - Healing at the Pool and the Introduction to Simon the Zealot

265: John — Make Him King - Feeding the 5000 and Walking on Water

266: The Chosen S2E5 — “Spirit” (Bonus Episode) - Simon the Zealot Joins the Disciples and Mary Struggles

267: John — The Far Side of a Tumultuous Sea - Jesus Is the Bread of Life

268: The Chosen S2E6 — “Unlawful” (Bonus Episode) - Mary Returns, Jesus Continues Sabbath Work

269: John — Any Time Will Do - Jesus and the Festival of Tabernacles

270: The Chosen S2E7 — “Reckoning” (Bonus Episode) - Jesus Detained While Planning a Sermon

271: John — The Greatest Day of the Feast - Jesus Offers Living Water

272: The Chosen S2E8 — “Beyond Mountains” (Bonus Episode) - Jesus Finishes His Sermon and the Disciples Meet Judas

273: John — Pericope of an Honor Contest - The Woman Caught in Adultery

274: John — Light of the World - Continuing Disputes on the Identity of Jesus

275: Kate Schmidgall — BitterSweet - The Kingdom Work of Storytelling

276: John — Who Is Your Father? - Father God, Father Abraham, or the Father of Lies

277: John — Before Abraham Was - Jesus Makes Another Claim of Divinity

278: John — Only the Blind Can See - Jesus Heals a Blind Man on the Sabbath

279: John — My Sheep, My Voice - Jesus Is the Good Shepherd

280: The Road Back to Eden - Learning to Speak Other Languages

281: John — You Are Gods - Jesus Confronts a Charge of Blasphemy

282: John — The Dance of Grief - Approaches to Grief by Mary and Martha

283: John — Missing God in the Name of God - The Plot to Kill Jesus and His Anointing by Mary

284: John — The Hour Has Come - Jesus Comes to Jerusalem and Predicts His Death

285: John — Book of Signs - Wrestling with Belief

286: John — The Test of Bread - Jesus Tests Philip and Andrew

287: John — The Test of Meat - Jesus Increases the Stakes

288: Steve Park — Little Lights - The Kingdom of God Is a Diverse Community

289: John — Loved to the End - Jesus Washes Feet and Makes Predictions

290: John — This Is the Way - Jesus Is the Way, the Truth, and the Life

291: John — Parakletos - Jesus Makes Preparations for the Holy Spirit

292: John — The Pruning Work of Persecution - Jesus Is the True Vine

293: John — Sin, Righteousness, Judgment - The Holy Spirit Guides Into Truth

294: John — Sacrifice, Suffering, and Joy - A Hebrew Lesson on Sacrifices and the Suffering and Joy of the Disciples

295: John — Strategy - Jesus Prays for Unity

296: John — I Am He - Jesus Is Arrested and Tried

297: Kat Armas — Abuelita Faith - Finding the Greatest Theologians

298: John — Not Forsaken - Jesus Is Crucified

299: John — One Pierced - Jesus Is Buried

300: John — The Migdal - Miriam the Migdal, or Mary Magdalene

301: John — On Doubting and Locked Doors - Thomas, Doubt, and Belief

302: John — Do You Even Like Me? - Jesus Restores Peter and John Concludes His Gospel

303: The History and Style of the Gospel of John - The History of Textual Criticism on John and His Style

304: The Construction of the Gospel of John - The History of Textual Criticism on John and His Style

305: Gary Burge — Interpreting the Gospel of John - Context Is King

306: Brian David — Chiasms in John - That You May Believe

307: Tohu va Vohu (State of the Podcast) - Thankful for How Far We’ve Come, Hopeful for What Lies Ahead

308: The Chosen S2E9 — “The Messengers” - A Special Christmas Presentation

309: On Social Media (Bonus Episode) - Addressing Our Use of Twitter and Social Media

310: The Nativity Story - Marty’s Favorite Christmas Movie

311: Keith Simon — Truth Over Tribe - Pledging Allegiance to the Lamb

312: Parables — Dissecting a Swallow - An Introduction to Parables

313: Parables — The Good Samaritan - How to Love People We’d Rather Not

314: Parables — The Barn Builder - Accumulating Worthless Wealth

315: Parables — The Lost Son - Also Known as the Prodigal Son

316: Parables — The Unforgiving Servant - Bookkeeping and Enemies

317: Asking Better Questions of the Bible w/ Erin Geiselman - Turning the Table on Marty and His Book

318: Alonzo Felder — Discovering A. S. J. Allen - Understanding Who We Are by Honoring Our Ancestors

319: The Forgotten Women — Presentism and Primitivism - Dodging the Dangers of Presentism and Primitivism

320: The Forgotten Women — Sages and Wise Women - Identifying Prominent Roles in the Community

321: The Forgotten Women of the Tanakh - Women from Genesis, Exodus, and Isaiah

322: The Forgotten Women of the New Testament - Prophets, Servants, and Ministers

323: The Forgotten Women of the Apocalypse - Two Figures in Revelation

324: Anita Grace Brown — Finding Christ in Yoga - Engaging Yoga to Find Healing

325: Sanctuary — Waking Up in the Mishkan - The Testimonies of Light and Darkness

326: Sanctuary — Entering the Mishkan - Inviting People into the Tent

327: Sanctuary — Feasting at the Mishkan - Growth in Community

328: Sanctuary — Listening by the Mishkan - Engaging Spiritual Leadership

329: Sanctuary — Moving the Mishkan - Meeting God in Surprising Ways

330: Sanctuary — Traversing the Mishkan - The Image and Likeness of God

331: Sanctuary — Resting with the Mishkan - Exploring Sabbath in the Presence of God

332: Andrew DeCort — Flourishing on the Edge of Faith - Taking the Prayer of Jesus Seriously

333: Session 6 Capstone - Conclusion of Session 6

Session 7

334: Session 7 Intro - Stepping into Sabbath

335: The Chosen S3E1 — “Homecoming” (Bonus Episode) - Practical Application of the Words of Jesus

336: Sabbath Reflection I — Truth - Reflecting on the Tabernacle

337: The Chosen S3E2 — “Two by Two” (Bonus Episode) - The Disciples Are Sent Out

338: Sabbath Reflection II — Love - Reflecting on the Tabernacle

339: The Chosen S3E3 — “Physician, Heal Yourself” (Bonus Episode) - Jesus Returns to Nazareth

340: Sabbath Reflection III — Community - Reflecting on the Tabernacle

341: The Chosen S3E4 — “Clean, Part 1” (Bonus Episode) - The Disciples Engage in Healing

342: Sabbath Reflection IV — Teaching - Reflecting on the Tabernacle

343: The Chosen S3E5 — “Clean, Part 2” (Bonus Episode) - Jesus Takes Healing to a New Level

344: Sabbath Reflection V — Place - Reflecting on the Tabernacle

345: The Chosen S3E6 — “Intensity in Tent City” (Bonus Episode) - Pilate Enters, John Questions, Jesus Heals

346: Sabbath Reflection VI — Wonder - Reflecting on the Tabernacle

347: The Chosen S3E7 — “Ears to Hear” (Bonus Episode) - Simon Takes a Step Forward

348: Sabbath Reflection VII — Trust - Reflecting on the Tabernacle

349: The Chosen S3E8 — “Sustenance” (Bonus Episode) - Taking the Text Seriously

350: Kat Armstrong — Storyline Bible - Exploring Themes Found Across the Bible

351: Sabbath Reflection Music (Bonus Episode) - Extended Music

352: Sabbath Practice — Attentiveness - Attending to the World Around Us

353: Sabbath Practice — Heart - Or Baseball Bats

354: Sabbath Practice — Flow - Letting the Spirit Carry You as a Sail

355: Sabbath Practice — Discipline - Doing the Work to Create Space

356: Sabbath Practice — Friendship w/ Derrick James Rohr III - Engaging the Work of Friendship

357: Sabbath Practice — Fasting - In the Bible and History

358: Sabbath Practice — Prayer - In the Bible and History

359: Dallas Jenkins — Humanity and Historicity (Bonus Episode) - God Does Impossible Math

360: Session 7 Capstone - Conclusion of Session 7

Session 8

361: Session 8 Intro - Returning to Ordinary Time

362: Isaiah — Prophetic Pathos - A Prophet Who Feels Fiercely

363: Isaiah — Prophetic Imagination - Grief and Hope

364: Isaiah — Opening Provocations - Under the Reign of King Uzziah

365: Isaiah — Prophet vs. Wizard Priests - Contrasting Isaiah with the Surrounding Culture

366: Isaiah — Let the Man Cook! - Hope in the Face of Cynicism and Despair

367: Isaiah — Burdens - The Care of God for All Nations

368: Elisa Bosley — Spiritual Eldercare - Just Show Up

369: Isaiah — The Choice Is Yours - Hope Waits to Be Chosen

370: Isaiah — Woes - God’s Message to His People

371: Isaiah — The Hulk Factor - All Nations Are Subject

372: Isaiah — History and Redaction - Thinking Critically About the Source

373: Preston Ulmer — Deconstruct Faith, Discover Jesus - Doubts as a Sign of a Vibrant Faith

374: Isaiah — When Suffering Is the Way - Isaiah and Tikkun Olam

375: Isaiah — What Perseverance Produces - The Suffering Servant